On-line Tutoring
I am thrilled to announce that I now offer the Barton Spelling and Reading program in an on-line format.
READING, Debbie Dueck
Commonly Asked Questions about Online Tutoring
What is
online tutoring?
online tutoring is live, personalized tutoring. It takes place on a computer
screen via a web-conferencing platform called "Zoom."
How does
online tutoring work?
student signs into the Zoom website and meets with me, one-on-one, using a web
camera. This service is free of charge to the student. Using a screen-sharing
program, students can see and manipulate our tutoring materials on their
screen. These materials simulate the same colorful tiles, workbook pages, and
other Barton materials that are used in a physical classroom, enabling the same
"hands on" approach.
What are
the benefits of online tutoring?
Online lessons make this experience
accessible to everyone. Not everyone has a Barton Reading and Spelling tutor in
their area, and this gives everyone the opportunity for tutoring regardless of
Online lessons are convenient. They
eliminate the time, effort, and gas required to drive to and from the lessons.
Online lessons offer more scheduling
flexibility. Lessons can often take place earlier in the day since there is no
travel time involved.
Online lessons allow for the
possibility of conducting lessons at school during the day. Some schools,
particularly private schools that strive to accommodate their students'
individual needs, are open to giving permission for the student to leave class
for tutoring.
Students enjoy learning online! It's
a natural, easy, fun way for them to connect with new concepts and practice
what they've learned.
Lessons can be taught quickly and
effectively because the materials are easily presented on the screen.
Students build their keyboarding
skills on the computer.
Students improve their organizational
skills as they take ownership for their tutoring "study
students attentive during online lessons?
Yes! I
have a creative, highly interactive style, and I keep the pace moving along so
that my students stay actively engaged.
addition, online lessons create distinct eye contact between the student and
tutor, via the computer screen. Students tend to pay attention more fully
because they are looking me in the face. This can prove to be even more
effective than sitting side by side in person. They are captivated by my facial
expressions and dramatic gestures, which they have full view of on the screen!
May we
experience a sample of online tutoring?
I invite you to do exactly that! Contact me to set up a complimentary
face-to-face meeting online via Zoom. That will give us a chance to get
acquainted and allow me to demonstrate how online tutoring works.
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